Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Going Green

Hi all,

Here's a short update of what's happening in AA. (slightly back dated)

On 27th March 2009 @ 10am..

AA had our very own version of 60 Earth Hour, we did it a day earlier so that everyone in the office could participate. All non-essential lights & appliances were turned off for an hour from 10am to 11am.

To make the day even more special, AA staffs were encouraged to come in GREEN!!

Let's see how AA looked like during that hour =)

(everyone working hard as usual when the lights were out)

The hour has came and gone. Cheers to all who participated!!

For more info on Earth Hour click here.


In April 2009

AA Foundation came up with the idea of a pledge tree as Earth Day was on 22th of April.

The idea was to encourage people to write down their personal pledges on how to make earth a better place. The tree & it's leaves were made out of recycled paper (so no worries about paper wastage). The tree was finally up on 4th May 2009, outside Level 3. It is so huge now you wouldn't miss it.

A peek of our little tree before it blossomed.

The top 10 most creative pledges will be announced soon!!

Update: on our tree
