Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Wacky Bar PJLA Theatre (Block K), Jaya One
6 - 11 October 2009

Join us for the Wacky Bar Nights and be amongst the first to see this fantastic new production by Passionately.YOU! Your contribution to this program gives our growing community of patients a meaningful and direct opportunity to fight and survive cancer. Your generosity helps them to better cope with the challenges that come with cancer treatments.

Wacky Bar, the play, is set in a place where people meet to laugh, cry, gossip, share, pick up and break up. Filled with a multitude of oddball characters, including the host, Wacky, himself, the place is ripe for all kinds of extraordinary encounters. Whether or not you’ll be imbibing, come, sit back and enjoy the, sometimes real, sometimes crazy, but at all times funny, stories of a typically wild night out at Wacky Bar.

Starring Patrick Teoh, Rashid Salleh, Maya Tan Abdullah, Daphne Iking, Shamaine Othman, Na’a Murad, Ida Marriana, Elaine Pedley, Joanne Kam Poh Poh, Megat Sharizal, Shahredza Minhat, Gavin Yap, Junji Delfino, Iedil Putra, and our very own Passionately.You ambasadress.... Amber Chia!!

Written by Maya Tan Abdullah
Directed by Joanna Bassey
Artistic Direction by Dato' Zahim Albakri
Produced by Teri Choong
Executive Producers include Assunta Hospital, Asia Assistance Network (M) Sdn Bhd, PJ Live Arts & Jaya One.

Get your tickets NOW!!! Call TicketCharge Hotline at 03 - 2241 9999 to get your tickets before tickets are sold out. Or purchase the tickets online at


Speed up your next Run to Fight Cervical & Breast Cancer!

Do not worry, we're not asking you to run for your life... Come run with Passionately.YOU Quacky Run on October 25th (SUNDAY) and make your running effort really count. This would be one of the biggest event that Passionately.You is bringing to you this year, an approximately 4.5km fun run and walk on a course around Jaya One, Petaling Jaya!

Make your run more meaningful, and more rewarding. It does not discriminate and can strike anyone at any age and of any race. Everyone knows someone dealing with cervical or breast cancer. We can now do our part for these strong and brave survivors or victims that we know of. Knowing that you can make a difference and actually doing it are two entirely different things. Just like saying you want to run a marathon and actually crossing that finish line are totally different. You can make a difference, and only you can seek contributions within your network.

The participation fee is charged at RM40 only, which will be contributed to Assunta Hospital and you will also be receiving a Goody Bag worth a total of RM160 which includes a fashionable yet cool t-shirt, cosmetic products, health products, merchandises, magazines and many more surprises awaiting you. That is not the end, you will also be running with several of our local celebtrities of the upcoming theatrical performance titled Wacky Bar. Do not miss this opportunity and its not a dream if you happen to be running side by side with Daphne Iking or Amber Chia. (see my upcoming post on Wacky Bar)

Registration can be performed in the following manners:-

(1) Online registration - kindly log onto our dedicated website at

(2) Manual registration - kindly print out the form attached or get the forms from PJLA Theatre Box Office at Jaya One (entry beside Coffee Bean)

Do reach this message to your family members, friends, relatives or your neighbours and co-workers around you. Come and take on the challenge... see you there my quacky runners!