On 14th August, we kicked start the event at Assunta Hospital, with the guests arrival including our very own Chairman Andy who dressed in pink (pink-tie i mean) and who looked exceptionally charming standing next to the respectable DAP MP Ms.Teresa Kok. After few round of speeches and cheque presentations, Teresa then launched the event by hammering
a cemented egg to unveil the campaign mascot - THE PINK DUCK. After the launch, the rest of the VIPs went for a cuppa whilst smiling intriguely towards the flashlights coming from our camera crewman Mr Paul Lee's Canon digital camera (they probably thought he was from a local news agency).
Next, on 28th August, Renault joined in the occasion with the launch of the Counting the Ducks with Groovy Goo competition where they unveiled the pink kangoo car stashed with pink feathers and disco ball neatly decorated at the back-seat. 3 angels made up of our very own hot sexy lasses Lorraine, Christine and Lai Kwan whom flounced their way like peacocks and posed by the car effortlessly. Whistles were heard, on-lookers from Oldtown Kopitiam looked on intrudingly, enjoying their first class view without having to budge from their seat (the Malaysian style-lah). If only they do some charity...
Finally, the much awaited Celebrity Duck launch which premiered on 9th September with the appearance of local celebrities suc
h as Daphne Iking, Noryn Aziz, Liza Othman, Goh Wee Ping, Doul, Alef, Salamiah Hassan, Edwin Sumun and many more including a handful of beauty queens which include Melissa Ann Tan, Miss Malaysia/ Universe 2006 (did you know she was one of our Marketeers before?) AA could produce such beauty....
The celebrities were given a duck and a casing each to decorate on their own and these ducks are placed at the gallery (at Jaya One - for beer lovers: is opposite Brussels, OR for the innocent ones (or pretend to be) and does not have BEER in t
heir daily vocabs: is diagonally opposite Starbucks). Each Celebrity Ducks are auctioned at a minimum price (go check out the gallery if you want to know) and the person who has the highest bid, gets the duck! Hooray! Even Amber Chia shows us her creativity. Simply marvelous!
Passionately Pink, Know Prevent Cure, Breast Cancer Charity Campaign is designed to raise awareness, to educate the people, to share the love of the people who has encountered the deadly disease be it in person, or through friends / family. Lets all share the message and stay united in our battle against Breast Cancer!
- Stories contributed by Cindy Wong - Pictures taken from Facebook, Paul and Justin's canon digital camera, and from celebrities themselves.
well done peeps!
Duck Duck!! Support Passionately Pink! :P
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